
Chennai Metro Rail service

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Chennai is the fourth-largest city in India. It is a coastal city with the second largest beach in the world. The climate is hot and humid but the breeze blowing from the sea makes the climate bearable. It is India's major leather-producing center and the quality of leather compares with the finest in the world. The City with its present population of about 8 million generates about 11 million trips in a day, with about 6 million vehicular trips. The ever growing vehicular and passenger demands coupled with constraints on capacity augmentation of the existing network have resulted in chaotic condition during peak hours of the day.

 The population of Chennai in1639 was 40000 and today the city is estimated to have a population of 7.5 million, which gives a population density of about 6482 per sq. km. It is observed that with the population growth between 1921 and 1981 has been very rapid and similar trend continues

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