
10 Riddles and Brain Teasers for Kids and adults #01

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Q: I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
A: A candle.

Q: In a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower– everything was pink!What color were the stairs?
A: There weren’t any stairs, it was a one storey house.

Q: What has hands but can not clap?
A: A clock.

Q: A house has 4 walls. All of the walls are facing south, and a bear is circling the house. What color is the bear?
A: The house is on the north pole, so the bear is white.

Q: What is at the end of a rainbow?
A: The letter W.

Q: What starts with the letter “t”, is filled with “t” and ends in “t”?
A: A teapot

Q: A girl is sitting in a house at night that has no lights on at all. There is no lamp, no candle, nothing. Yet she is reading. How?
A: The woman is blind and is reading braille.

Q: You walk into a room with a match, a karosene lamp, a candle, and a fireplace. Which do you light first?
A: The match.

Q: What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
A: A Towel.

Q: You draw a line. Without touching it, how do you make the line longer?
A: You draw a shorter line next to it, and it becomes the longer line.

For more information and practice questions, visit QUIZ.

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